Saturday, September 6, 2008


metaphoricallemonshoetastical should TOTALLY be a word!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I think I just felt a thought.

I actually have a quote today! "Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought."-E. Y. Harburg. I really like this quote...especially because it makes sense to me. Because when I'm writing a song...i feel something. it's like a thought and it makes me feel....happy. And when I'm playing in band, I feel When I'm singing in choir, I don't think I'm the same person anymore. When I'm making music, I feel a thought. It's amazing.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Change the World

I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of sitting around waiting for someone to do something to help the world. I know that I'm blogging about it instead of living it, but I have an idea. I know that I need to write Titleless...I don't have a choice. But maybe LIVING titleless would be better. You know, try to avoid being labled by the world around me. But the sad thing, is that I don't want that. But maybe, I could try to do SOMETHING to change the world for the better...and I better get an idea soon. All I can say is that if I don't do something soon, I will go insane.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Okay, this may sound really weird to lot's of people, but I don't feel "real" right now. I feel a little invisable right now and I also feel kinda numb. My brain hasn't been over-thinking life lately, so that could have something to do with it. It's just that, I don't know what "real" means. I mean, different people define different words differently. I mean, I know that technicly speaking, I am a real person. I'm a breathing, living, 14 year old girl. But is it possible to be a "fake" person? Because if there is no such thing as a "fake" person, then aren't we all "real" by default? Whatever...I'll just pretend I didn't start thinking about this crap...

Monday, August 4, 2008


I think I have finally run out of things to say...took long enough.

Friday, August 1, 2008



Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm BACK!!!

Yay, I'm back from the cottage!!! I'm sunburned and I think I may have screwed up my life even more, BUT I'M BACK!!! This weekend I'm going back to my cottage (please don't kill me) so I wont be around then...I don't exactly have anything to say other than that the square root of 97 969 is think that was right anyways. Wait a second, I shouldn't be talking about square roots....uhhhhhh....this is harder than I thought.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm Off To My Cottage

I'm going to my cottage for two weeks and there is no internet there so too bad so sad.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I don't really have anything interesting to say today (i'd blaming this on the brain damage i think i may have aquired by trying ((and succeeding at)) being a RTS). So yeah....I guess I don't have anything of interest to say right now and I really don't know why I'm updateing...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Coke vs. Pepsie

Sorry, but I really want to cover this long debate about which is better. Of course it is kinda pointless because Dr. Pepper rules the world, but we can cover this anyways...Okay, so I like coke better. Why? Because Coke was the first one to make vanilla Coke...Why do I like vanilla Coke? Because it tastes like an ice-cream float. Reasons why pepsie isn't as good is because it's advertising is kinda really stupid, and it doesn't come caffine free. And lot's of people (not me) like it caffine free. Sorry, but I just HAD to get that out of my system. Let's just say that Dr. Pepper wins and say it's over. But you know what's really good? Mixing Dr. Pepper, A&W Root Beer, Sprite, 7up, Coke, Pepsie, Cream Soda, and any other drink you can get your hands on together....Together all drinks make a really nice taste. Now onto slightly more important topics. Just I kinda don't know what that is. I can't think of a slightly more important topic because 1) I'm half asleep 2) I've practically given myself braindamage trying to be a RTS 3) I can't even think of a number three. Which basically means my brain isn't exactly working today. Yet. Maybe in a couple hours it might turn on. The thing is that I just woke up five minutes ago and my brain take a couple hours to warm up. And I'm supposed to take a shower now, but really I don't want to. Why? Because I don't like taking showers in the morning. Why? Because it reminds me of the dreaded Saturday morning swimming practice. And I don't feel like having breakfast. Why? Because I don't like breakfast and don't eat it if I can get away with it. So I'll just wait for lunch. Which I don't always eat either. Why? Because after being in an extra curriculare activity every day during the school year during lunch, you get into the habit of skipping. And now that it's summer my mom is lecturing me about bad eating habits. I mean, I DO eat lunch, but it's usually just a bannana or something. Yesterday for lunch I had a taco shell. Yummmm...Okay, so I'll stop ranting about my terrible eating habbits and go make myself some tea...I like tea, but only with milk and sugar. And you know what's really weird? In Minneapolis "iced tea" actually means ICEAD TEA. As in NO SUGAR!!! I think....or so I heard from my brother (btw, I happen to know that Nick ((the guy I like)) tried iced tea and hated it because there was no sugar((I wasn't there to witness the event))). Okay, so now I really should go do something, but I think I'm just gonna sit here babbling about nothing. What shall I bable about now....I KNOW! I'll just keep going on and on about a certain topic! What can I see from this chair...CHAIR. Okay, chairs are really really really cool because you can sit on them and this one is the type that you can twiril around on and it's really fun unless you hit your knee on the music stand...then it hurts. And then the phone rings while your twiling around and you are too disoriented to get the Also, banging you knee on the computer dest is a bad idea too...What else can I go on about? OH I KNOW!!! The Sims2. Okay, I totally seriously love that game. I play it all the time and *puts on her idea face*. I could play it NOW. To make up for my BORDOM!!! Oh wow, I'm a genius. BYE!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To Emily-wa

Okay, Emily-wa, here it is. I know you're mad at me. I know you are really mad at me. You have every right to be mad at me. You should hate me. You should hunt me down and kill me. You should send me a long rant about how much you hate me. You should start a "". I would join. But here it is: I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything. Let's look at the difintion of sorry:regretful: feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone;. See? I am REGRETTING deleting my blog. I'M REGRETTING FIGHTING WITH YOU. I'm just so sorry for everything right now. I'm just really messed up right now and don't know what to think. I don't know what I want, I don't know what to do. I'm just so messed up right now...please forgive me. I don't care if you take you're time, I desurve to have to wait years for forgivness. More than that, lifetimes. But I'm appoligising right now, and I'm asking for your forgivness. I guess that's all I can do. And this is all I can say.

Camp Rock vs. High School Musical

Has anyone actually seen the movie Camp Rock? I seriously love it but I don't actually know if I like it or if I like it because everyone else likes it. And that's kinda scarry. But let's not talk about that. Let's talk about the actual movie. I liked that music, it was a little better than High School Musical. I bought the soundtrack, and now I'm bored of it. I wonder how populare this movie is from other people's perspectives. I bet that other people like it too. That must explain why I like it. The acting was okay. The Jonas Brothers are way better than Zac Effron. I'm not sure who I like better between Vanessa Hudgens and Demi Legato, they are both kinda so-so. The story line was okay, but not great. Really, the only thing making the movie good was the music. And the publicity. Overall, Camp Rock and High School Musical are exactly the same. I wonder how long this fad is going to go on for? Whatever, it doesn't matter. But does anyone know why High School Musical 3 is coming out? I don't know, but I bet it's gonna be good. But the first will aways be the best. I mean, it was ment to just be one movie, so having more is kinda random. Oh and you know what really bothers me about High School Musical 2? The fact that at the end of High School Musical 1, Sharpey and Gabriella weren't enimies, but then at the beginning of High School Musical 2 they were fighting again. Which makes me feel all "did I miss a chapter???". Overall, Camp Rock is just a knock off of High School Musical made by the same people that made High School Musical. But it did have better music/actors. And High School Musical was a good attemp at a musical about a musical, but the music/actors weren't that great. So overal, the movies are tied.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Okay, so I'm starting this blog because I deleted my old one because it was kinda really stupid and now I don't have anything to say. I just got back from Minneapolis. I did a lot of shopping there and it was really great! I bought two new pairs of shoes and a really awesome new headband. I went to Mall of America twice. It was so big and so awesome. I totally loved it there, except that the water tasted funny. So, yeah! I really don't know what else to say except that I really don't know what to say! I would give a quote or something, but that really isn't the point of this blog. So, whatever! I don't care that no one is going to read this! Anyway, I'm just really bored right now. So, yeah! BYES!